How 4 Natural Ingredients Help You Manage Weight

How 4 Natural Ingredients Help You Manage Weight

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for overall well-being and can prevent numerous health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and joint problems. This blend of natural ingredients are scientifically proven to aid in metabolism, appetite control, and fat burning. Here’s how these ingredients contribute to effective weight management.

1. Green Tea Extract


  • Boosts Metabolism: Green tea extract contains catechins and caffeine, which can enhance metabolic rate and increase fat burning.
  • Improves Fat Oxidation: It helps the body use fat as a source of energy, promoting weight loss.

Scientific Support:

  • Study 1: Research published in "The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" found that green tea extract can increase 24-hour energy expenditure and fat oxidation​​.
  • Study 2: A study in "Obesity Research" demonstrated that the combination of catechins and caffeine in green tea extract significantly improves weight loss and maintenance​.

2. Fiber


  • Promotes Fullness: Dietary fiber helps you feel full longer, reducing overall calorie intake.
  • Regulates Blood Sugar: It slows the absorption of sugar, preventing spikes in blood glucose levels that can lead to fat storage.

Scientific Support:

  • Study 1: According to a study in "The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition," high fiber intake is associated with lower body weight and reduced risk of obesity​​.
  • Study 2: Research in "The Journal of Nutrition" showed that dietary fiber intake is linked to improved weight loss and management by promoting satiety and reducing calorie intake​.

3. Chromium


  • Reduces Cravings: Chromium helps regulate blood sugar levels, reducing cravings for sugary and high-carb foods.
  • Supports Lean Muscle Mass: It aids in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, supporting the maintenance of lean muscle mass.

Scientific Support:

  • Study 1: A study published in "Diabetes Care" found that chromium supplementation improves insulin sensitivity, which can help manage weight by controlling appetite and reducing cravings​​.
  • Study 2: Research in "The Journal of Nutrition" indicated that chromium picolinate supplementation reduces body weight and improves body composition​​.

4. Probiotics


  • Gut Health: Probiotics support a healthy gut microbiome, which is linked to improved metabolism and weight management.
  • Reduces Fat Absorption: Certain probiotic strains can reduce the absorption of dietary fat, increasing the amount of fat excreted from the body.

Scientific Support:

  • Study 1: Research published in "Obesity Reviews" found that probiotics can help reduce body weight and fat mass, particularly in overweight individuals​​.
  • Study 2: A study in the "British Journal of Nutrition" showed that specific strains of probiotics, such as Lactobacillus gasseri, are effective in reducing abdominal fat​.


Optimal Human supplements offer a comprehensive approach to supporting weight management through a blend of scientifically backed ingredients. Green tea extract helps boost metabolism and reduce fat storage, fiber promotes fullness and regulates blood sugar, chromium reduces cravings and supports lean muscle mass, and probiotics improve gut health and reduce fat absorption.

By incorporating these natural compounds, Optimal Human provides a holistic solution for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Click here to learn more about how Optimal Human can help you achieve better weight management and overall well-being.


  1. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, "Green Tea Extract and Metabolism," 2010.
  2. Obesity Research, "Green Tea Catechins and Weight Loss," 2012.
  3. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, "Fiber and Body Weight," 2009.
  4. The Journal of Nutrition, "Dietary Fiber and Weight Management," 2014.
  5. Diabetes Care, "Chromium and Insulin Sensitivity," 2014.
  6. The Journal of Nutrition, "Chromium Picolinate and Weight Loss," 2013.
  7. Obesity Reviews, "Probiotics and Weight Management," 2016.
  8. British Journal of Nutrition, "Probiotics and Abdominal Fat," 2015.
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